Tuesday 22 March 2016

How to have healthy living habits when you FIFO

How do you keep fit and trim when they serve up a smorgasbord every night..Discover the simple little trick to stay health with FIFO…

Now while most Mining camps for Gyms etc and places to exercise there is still a heck of a lot of over weight miners out there.

Men like food and we tend to be eat until your full rather than top up eaters..

After reaching 130Kgs it was time to change a few things and it started with
Eat enough so you can walk afterwards for 20 minutes..

Everyone knows what it is like to have a gut full of food and then try and walk for 20 minutes..
It is just so uncomfortable and believe me it isn’t enjoyable…

So I came up with the slogan for myself..


After a few weeks I had the other guys saying the same and instinctively started choosing food which didn’t make me full for my walk…
I didn’t think of the mess hall as a feedlot either..just a place to grab a quick bite before my walk…

Losing weight is simple don’t play the game.  Get your mind working first and the rest will follow..

I am in the business of helping people create amazing lives with Health Wealth and Financial Freedom…..

How to Get Healthy Living Habits when YOU FIFO

How to eat Healthy for Busy Working Mums in Australia

Discover the secret of How to eat Healthy for Busy Working Mums in Australia..without having to be a magician, wonder women or a tyrant…

Lets face it Mum’s are pretty busy people, they give to their families, friends, husbands, partners and bosses.  Successful Mums are driven and learn to delegate and have any amazing Daily Method Of Operation (DMO)

In this DMO is buying and planning to eat healthy food to sustain their lifestyle and their families…
It is so easy to let your work control your life and let deadlines create bad habits.

But let’s be honest, the last thing we really feel like doing is cooking a healthy meal at 8.00pm at night or having to go shopping to find something to eat.

That’s why using a DMO and planning your week on Sunday while the Teley is entertaining the kids is the right time to order or plan what you are eating…

Create a simple habit by making it a part of your day...Don’t MAKE IT A THING!!

It is great having all these tools to help us in our daily lives but there is one more tool which is designed to help YOU…
  • You are the most important part to your life…
  • You need recharging and resetting as well…
  • It is a easy as blocking out 30 minutes of 24 hours to spend on you…

I am in the business of helping people create amazing happy lives in Health Wealth and Financial Freedom..
Healthy Eating for Busy Mums